As recently as just a decade ago, most companies weren’t all that concerned with where they rented warehouse space. In fact, renting warehouse space on the outskirts of a city was ideal because it allowed companies to send and receive shipments without disturbing anyone or causing any trouble.
But that has changed dramatically in a short amount of time due to the growth of e-commerce. E-commerce has affected the warehousing industry in a handful of different ways. For starters, it has forced more companies to search for warehouse space since they need to store more products than ever before. As a result, there is a lot less warehouse space, and companies can’t necessarily be as picky about it as they used to be.
New Warehousing Trends
Companies also want to be located closer to the center of town these days. With many companies now offering same-day shipping—or planning on doing it at some point in the near future—it’s important for them to have warehouse space near their customer base. Otherwise, they have to spend more time and money than they should shipping goods quickly.
Warehouse designs are always evolving as e-commerce continues to grow. While warehouses have always been big, they’re getting even bigger, according to CBRE. The warehouses built between 2012 and 2017 are more than 140 percent larger than the warehouses built between 2002 and 2007. They’re also almost four feet higher. Clearly, warehouse space is at such a premium that the companies building them are trying to keep up with demand by taking drastic measures.
It doesn’t appear as though e-commerce is going to stop growing anytime soon. That means you might have trouble tracking down warehouse space for your company. Affiliated Warehouse Companies can help you find it. Call us at 732-739-2323 today to arrange to see warehouse locations in your area.