Our Warehouse in

Sioux Falls, SD


(888) 865-1150

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538,000 sq. ft. all heated – dry storage, 135,000 sq. ft. air conditioned space, 12,000 sq. ft. cooler 34 to 38 degrees F, 15,000 sq. ft. -15 degrees F freezer. Sprinklered. BNSF rail siding (BNSF track number 3174). Computerized WMS, EDI with online inventory through customer portal. Pick and pack, re-coop/re-work, display and assembly building, returns, light manufacturing. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). U.S. Customs container examination station. Pool distribution, cross docking, container unload/reload, lumber unload/reload, VMI, SMI, slip sheet, roll paper clamp truck. Dry, cooler, chill and freezer space.