How to Successfully Run a Cold Storage Warehouse

Some products, like food or pharmaceutical drugs, need to be kept cold in order to protect their quality and effectiveness. What are some tips for running a cold storage warehouse? Right Temperature Settings For starters, it’s important to maintain an adequate temperature for your products. To do so, make sure you have the correct insulation… Read more »

Finding New Warehousing Property Could Be Difficult In The Next Few Years

Finding sites to rent to set up warehouses will be difficult in the next couple years. Why? Well there’s a combination of low vacancies and high rents at this time. Larger Inventory Positions Companies seem to be taking on larger inventory positions than before– they need places to store stuff, but they’re having a harder… Read more »

Despite Technological Advancements, There Is Still a Strong Demand for Warehouse Labor

Will warehouses ever be fully automated such that no humans will be involved in working there? Perhaps, but not anytime soon. Despite increases in automation in the warehousing and logistics industries, human labor still matters. Specialized skill sets might be more in demand in the coming years compared to the need for humans to do… Read more »

Warehousing Versus Logistics

When people talk about warehousing and logistics they often use the terms interchangeably. That said, they are a bit different, though they do share functions within a supply chain of a business. If you were to define warehousing on its own, then you’d say it’s about the safe storage of goods within a building. Makes… Read more »

Tips for Making Sure Your Company Never Runs Out of Inventory

How can you ensure you never run out of inventory? Ideally, you want to be great at inventory management. For most companies, this involves modern inventory management software like Orderhive, Zoho or Quickbooks. These computer programs are like spreadsheets on steroids, able to handle a lot of data in a smart and efficient way. Categorize… Read more »

Will Warehouses Have to Pay More for Labor?

People do not like it when gas prices go up too high. It costs them more money to go to and from work. It means less money in their pockets for other things, like food and recreational pursuits. Inflation is rampant this year and that’s not a good thing. Labor Budgets Will warehouses have to… Read more »

Don’t Forget the Human Aspect of Warehousing

While warehouses have become more automated in recent times, there’s still the human aspect of warehousing and it’s important. Warehousing is Vital to Our Economy For a long time, warehouse jobs were viewed as just that: jobs. They weren’t “careers” for most people. Unfortunately, warehouse workers have been treated as a commodity that can be… Read more »

An Introduction to E-Commerce Warehousing

With ecommerce warehousing, there are several things to consider. What are some of those things? Time Saving Storage Well, for starters, think about chaotic storage, which was pioneered by Amazon. This is a way to store products without following a logical process. Instead, it involves putting things on any shelf space available when they arrive…. Read more »

How Warehouses Can Acquire More Customers

How can warehouses acquire customers? There are several ways. Traditional Marketing Methods Consider traditional marketing methods like print media, street signage and advertisements in newspapers. Those are all ways to “get your name out there.” Of course, warehouses can also acquire new customers through customer referrals, agents/brokers, and networking events, too. Then there’s the company… Read more »